Thursday, February 9, 2017

Short Essay: Modern Customer Experience in Cloud

Modern Customer Experience in Cloud
a Case Study of the Cloud Service
(Feng, Yuan 1155081930)

From Enterprise to Customer
      Changing with each passing day, the progress of science and technology brings us a new world, and the trend of worldwide cloud business development is irreversible, especially the cloud business for the communication between businesses and their customers, which is conducted by the significant change of business gets more attention. Whether B2B or B2C, mobile devices in our hands have changed interact way between enterprise and all customers, partners, employees, suppliers, or other aspects –with a more direct contacting way.
      Since digital has disrupted client context, the interaction is therefore no longer under the control of the enterprise. According to the survey, 63% of consumers will visit on Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube and other social networking sites before making a decision, online evaluation has become the second most trusted consumer brand information sources. Such colleague’s evaluation mechanism makes the initiative of the relationship between businesses and their customers are no longer in the hands of the enterprise, but transferred to the client port.
Multi-Channel Contact
      In the environment of customer interaction, multi-channel contact is a very important concept, but so far there exist no dominant channel. For B2B and B2C, the points of contacting with customers are diverse: smart phones, social media, store technology, E-mail, etc. However, the customers’ experience for all different forms of contacting points are remain consistent.
       Therefore, I take for that understanding the context is vital for interaction, and contextual interactions can form lasting value. From the perspective of customer insight, transferring the focus of the exchange from “trading” to “interact”; Separate marketing activities can be converted to interactions with the customer relationship, which is no longer just spread information by broadcasting, but to personalize the spread way for individuals. All these solutions require analysis tools that can help us understand the rational thinking part in human minds, improving our level of decision-making. Such as that, social networks often react psychological perceptual, subjective ideas, or evaluation of main body, this kind of data, and big data will go to capture data through tracking the reaction of trend, to transfer the individual subjective idea into customer actual behavior. In such environment of interacting with customers, the importance of customers’ context has been especially highlighted, and the cloud service can help it.
A Case of Nike
       Take a global brand, Nike as an example, using the data that captured from a variety of devices and platforms (such as Apple iWatch, running applications and online fitness club) to push it consumers to return to the its own digital cloud platform NIKE Plus day after day(see Figure 1 and 2).

Figure 1.
Figure2.When customer log in Nike Plus, its cloud data service can record customer exercise data and make plans and suggestions after analysis, finally, it may recommend Nike shoes and equipment that fit individual’s body condition.

     For example, there exist a data cycle in this case, customers take exercise according to suggestions that often calculated and made by healthy data platform’s personalized analysis, and the objective devices and other technologies keeps collecting data during customer’s exercise process.
     During three years, Nike cut its mass media spending by 40% in the United States, while its income rose by $7 billion at the same time. Through the practice, Nike has proved that, thanks to cloud data service, using data that collected according to context of the customer to differ customer interaction instead of general public broadcast communication, can yet be regarded as a way to improve company performance.

      On the basis of industry’s high quality and standards, combination module plan can have a better cooperation effect, which helps to expand customer choice, increase the ease of use, and to bring a new possibility for cloud business in the world and modern customer experience in the cloud.


1.Nike Builds Datacentre Cloud and Network infrastructure

2.How Nike Is Getting To Production Fast


  1. Hi, Yuan.

    I think cloud business is really an interesting topic since nowadays most of our time are occupied by different cloud services. When you mentioned that users would like to view comments online before making decision, it seems that it can be referred to another issue such as word of mouth. Well, what I really want to think about is that how powerful are those social media sites because people usually login in others sites by their social media accounts. In others words, I wonder whether those social media sites can acquire users data even when they using other sites. If yes, I think social media sites are those who actually have what so-called big data. Sometimes, when I use facebook, I find it useful to recommend some accounts and advertisings for me which is a good example of cloud business. However, when I use Weibo, I'm usually annoyed by many irrelevants recommendations which serves as an example.

    About the case of Nike, I think it a good example of a brand that can make their own data cycle. Data is important, but what's more important is how to make use of it. Nike successfully provide end-to-end experience to consumers which help itself make profits and save advertising cost. So, thanks for knowing such a good case!

    1. Hi, April.
      I.m glad that you've read this essay carefully and made some meaningful feedbacks, thank you.
      In terms of the cloud services business, I would say it is in some way a generalized concept, actually, both the "word of mouth" marketing and so-called personalized subscribe function that you mentioned shall all need a cloud database, and recommendations of those conditions need supports from cloud service, too.
      Anyway, please let me know if you have any further ideas, thank you!

  2. Just read an article about cloud business:

    1. Wow, an interesting case of HM&Google, thanks for sharing!
