Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Group discussion for Week 7

1. List the names of two brands you have a negative impression of?
  • 陌陌 ( a social APP)
  • 椰树牌椰汁

2. Why is the brand(s) conceived negatively?
  • 陌陌
    • Bad brand image which is in relation to hooking up
  • 椰树牌椰汁
    • Ugly outer package and inappropriate advertising design

3. Does this brand(s) need to be rejuvenated?
  • Yes

4. If so how should it be rejuvenated?
  • To redesign the outer package and advertising strategy

Group members:
DAI, Zhuo
ZHU, Shiman
SU, Tong
LO,pui ching
ZHANG, Xiaoyi

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