Wednesday, January 18, 2017

week 2 group discussion 2.0

1. Supply and demand:小米手機的价格相对于同品质的其他手机较低,需求量上升。

2. The world is flat: 海爾在非洲建立工廠,利用當地廉價的人力,土地,原材料降低成本。

3. Moore's law: computer CPU, graphic processor, AI

4. Metcalfe's law: 越多的人使用微信,這個平台的價值得到了提升,使更多的人使用微信支付功能,微信支付已經成為一個社會流行趨勢,越來越的商家和用戶加入使用,創造了更便捷的支付環境,又吸引了更多的用戶。

5. The long tail: 京東網上購物網站,本來是以賣電器為主,現在發展到售賣各類不同產品的電商平台,以產品多樣化吸引更多的受眾。

6. Freemium:網易雲音樂(音樂類app) 有免費帳戶和會員帳戶,如果用戶希望享用更多的功能,就需要付款升級為會員用戶。

What might happen in 10 years later?

- 實體商店消失,電子商務成為主流,更多的人選擇網上購物。
- 注意力經濟的興起,越來越多的免費資源,商家主要以廣告為盈利模式。

1.    Supply and demand: Xiaomi smartphone has a lower price comparing to other phones with the same quality, thus the demand increases.
2.    The world is flat: Haier, a Chinese consumer electronics and home appliances company built factory in Africa, to take advantage of it’s local cheap labor, land and raw materials to reduce its cost.
3.    Moore’s law: Technologies for graphic processor, CPU are developing exponentially.
4.    Metcalfe’s law: More people using the payment function of wechat, the value of wechat increases to its users, now wechat payment has become a trend, more and more individuals and businesses are using it, created a more convenient payment environment for its users.
5.    The long tail: Jingdong (ecommerce website) originally sells electric appliances, now it becomes an online retail platforms that sells all kinds of products to attract customers by its product diversity.
6.    Freemium: Wangyiyun (a mobile music app), which offers both the free account and premium vip account, if the users want to enjoy more services, they will need to pay to upgrade their accounts.
7.   What will happen in 10 years? Physical stores will vanish. Ecommerce will become the dominate business model. More free resources, businesses will make profit out of attention economy. (advertisement)

JIANG Shiran 1155084678
WANG Xin 1155080983
LUO Nan 1155081715
SUN Jian 1155081100
XIN Jun 1155082004
JIANG Chunyu 1155080917

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